World Religions Report

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World Religions Report

Select a religion that is not your own and interview a person of that faith. If possible, visit a place of worship and interview a person of that institution. As an alternative, the interview may be conducted by telephone, written communication (e.g., email exchange) or, web/video conference.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word informative paper on world religions.

Compare your selected religion with the other religions studied in this class.

  • What characteristics does your chosen religions share with the others? What makes it unique?
  • How is religion in general, and your chosen religions specifically, responding to challenges of the modern world?
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Include a summary of your interview containing the following elements:

  • Introduction of the religion, including the history
  • Date, time and method of interview
  • Name of the person interviewed
  • Name, location and review of the site if applicable.
  • Interview summary
  • References

Cite at least five references in addition to the textbook.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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