What Do Colleges Like to See in College Essays?

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If you’re wondering, “What do colleges like to see in college essays?“, this article breaks it down into three key elements: a unique perspective, strong writing, and an authentic voice.

Every high school student knows that great importance is placed on your college admission essays. But one question remains: What do colleges like to see in college essays?

In this article, we’ll delve into what the admission officers are actually looking for. What Do Colleges Like to See in College Essays?

Straight off the bat, colleges look for three fundamental elements in your admission essay: a unique perspective, strong writing and an authentic voice.

A Unique Perspective

Firstly, your essay should offer a unique perspective that sets you apart from the herd. Universities aren’t just looking for stellar grades or outstanding extracurriculars, they’re also interested in the creative, original thought you can exhibit in your essay. Remember, grades show your academic prowess, but an essay divulges your individuality.

Strong Writing

Secondly, a strong writing style is pivotal. Demonstrating strong writing ideally encompasses a clear and structured narrative, proper grammar, and accurate spelling. It’s also about effectively conveying your thoughts and intensifying the impact of your ideas.

What Do Colleges Like to See in College Essays

What Do Colleges Like to See in College Essays

An Authentic Voice

Lastly, having an authentic voice is key. This means staying true to your personal ideas and experiences, and conveying them in a genuine, relatable manner. The admission officers want to get to know you through your essay– let your authentic self shine through!

Why These Elements Matter

These elements aren’t arbitrary, they’re meticulously perfected guidelines that are designed to provide universities with a clearer picture of who you are, beyond grades and test scores. Potential students are then assessed based on their ability to express themselves, their worldview, and the unique contributions they could make to the university.

Expert Advice

Universities appreciate transparency– they want to know the real you within those 400 to 500 words, so let your guard down and be willing to share. Narrate who you are, beyond what’s given on your resume. Are you inquisitive? Creative? Persistent? Humorous? Allow your character traits to seep into your essay.


In summary, when asking yourself “What do colleges like to see in college essays?” remember these words: unique perspective, strong writing, and an authentic voice. These key elements could be your ticket into your dream university.

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