PSY 101 WEEK 6 AND WEEK 8 DISCUSSIONS WEEK 6 DISCUSSION How can we effectively manage emotions at work?  A salesperson with intense passion can convince someone to make a purchase. On the other hand, an angry manager can prompt an unfair review (Lamia, 1). In this discussion, you find Read more…

Educational Technology Implementation Plan

Educational Technology Implementation Plan RUBRIC Develop and record an 8 slide, asynchronous, presentation to executive leaders of your plan for implementing the proposed educational technology change detailed in the needs assessment and impact statement you completed in Assessments 1 and 2. In addition, develop a detailed outline of your implementation plan, as a supplement Read more…

Develop a Teaching Plan (Due Week 6) and Deliver in a Presentation (Due Week 7)

Develop a Teaching Plan (Due Week 6) and Deliver in a Presentation (Due Week 7) Teaching Plan Select one class period from your course syllabus and develop a teaching plan for your chosen class. Following the assignment guidelines below, develop and submit your teaching plan for the class period during Read more…

Week 2 Assignment Intentional Learning

Week 2 Assignment Intentional Learning Your primary goals for this assignment are to explain the concept of learning, what it means to be an intentional learner, and identify how you have been using your Learning Patterns in everyday situations, even when you may not have been aware of them. Directions: Read more…


BUSINESS INTEGRATION AND STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT 1. A firm has many goals and a set of _____ that shape the achievement of the goals. \ 2. The difference between goals and objectives is that goals are ____ and objectives are ____. 3. The five stage strategic management process is comprised of Read more…

Counseling Transcription Assignment

Counseling Transcription Assignment In this transcription assignment, you will demonstrate your ability to apply advanced counseling skills, theory, and critical analysis. After conducting the video recording for observation 2, select a 15-minute segment of that session to transcribe for this assignment. This segment can be one that you find critical Read more…

Collaboration and Communication Action Plan

Collaboration and Communication Action Plan Complete a 750-1,000-word action plan and supporting rationale based on the following scenario: Mark is a Hispanic 8th grade student who has been identified as having an emotional/behavioral disorder, specifically Mood Disorder (Not otherwise  specified). Currently, he participates in a general education inclusion classroom. During his Read more…

PHI208 W4 Discussion 1 & Discussion 2

PHI208 W4 Discussion 1 & Discussion 2  Discussion 1 This week our main discussion will focus on explaining and evaluating  the theory of virtue ethics as discussed in Chapter 5 of the textbook.  Your instructor will be choosing the discussion question and posting it  as the first post in the Read more…

Homework Help CASE STUDY

Homework Help CASE STUDY Each activity should be consist on atleast 300 words ACTIVITY 1 :   Choose a film that you have seen recently, and which you particularly enjoyed. Now find a friend or colleague who has seen the same film, and who hated it. Discuss your views of Read more…

Global Business Cultural Analysis: Italy

Global Business Cultural Analysis: Italy The purpose of this research project is for you to write a professional, graduate-level research paper in current APA format. You will research and write a paper analyzing the cultural perspectives of doing business in another nation. (Italy) After reading your paper, the reader should Read more…