PSY 460 COMPLETE COURSE (Environmental Psychology)

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PSY 460 COMPLETE COURSE (Environmental Psychology)


PSY 460 Week 1 Individual Assignment What is Environmental Psychology Paper

Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you examine the discipline of environmental psychology. As a part of your examination be sure to address the following items:
Define the discipline of environmental psychology. Compare and contrast at least two major theoretical approaches to environmental psychology. Explain the importance of research in the field of environmental psychology.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Do you believe that individuals are affected by their environment in different ways? If so, how? If not, why not?

What are some environmentally related current events? How do these events affect the human population?


PSY 460 Week 2 Individual Assignment Environmental Psychology Article Analysis

Research an article concerning a current event that is impacting the field of environmental psychology.

Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word analysis of your selected article in which you address the following items:
Summarize your article, including a brief description of your selected current event. Analyze the influence of your selected current event on the field of environmental psychology. Be sure to provide specific examples in your analysis.

Cite your article properly.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

What impact does stress have on the human body? How can stress be managed?

What is a pollutant? What are some examples of pollutants? How are individuals affected by pollutants?


PSY 460 Week 3 Individual Assignment The Effects of Population Density and Noise Paper

Prepare a 1,400- to 1,650-word paper in which you analyze the effect of population density and noise on individuals. As a part of your analysis be sure to address the following items:
Describe the concepts of territoriality, privacy, and personal space. Examine how the concepts of territoriality, privacy, and personal space have become increasingly important as populations become denser. Clarify the effect nature (e.g., zoos, parks, gardens) has on individuals living in urban environments. Describe the concept of noise and examine the effect that it has on individuals. Examine at least two strategies that can be used to reduce noise in the workplace or in the living environment.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

PSY 460 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Environmental Stressors Presentation

Prepare a 10- to 15-minute oral presentation accompanied by 10- to 12-Microsoft® PowerPoint® slides in which you evaluate the affect of environmental stressors on individuals. As a part of your analysis be sure that you address the following items:
Define the concept of stress. Explain the physiology and psychology of stress. Describe at least three environmental stressors (e.g., extreme weather, public congestion, pollution) and evaluate the affect of these stressors on individuals. Discuss strategies, including through utilizing technology, to manage your selected environmental stressors.

Note. Online Campus students will submit a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with presenter notes.

Include at least three references from peer-reviewed sources.

In what type of environment do you live? How does your environment (e.g., urban, rural) affect you?

What are some of the benefits of human territorial behavior? What are some drawbacks?


PSY 460 Week 4 Individual Assignment Architecture and the Environment Paper

Prepare a 1,150- to 1,400-word paper in which you explore human response to physical structure. As a part of your paper be sure to address the following:
Describe how physical structure affects human behavior. Analyze architecture as a means of controlling human behavior. Describe the environmental psychological implications of commercial and residential design, including purpose and considerations. Analyze the importance of architectural development supporting sustainable development.

Include at least three references from peer-reviewed sources.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Have Residential designs improved over the last century? Please include examples in your response.

What is sustainable development? Why is it important? Provide examples of how architecture has adapted to promote sustainable development.


PSY 460 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Implications for the Future Paper

Select an environmental problem that you can observe in your local community (i.e., air pollution, noise, traffic, waste disposal, water control, construction, crowding).

Prepare a 2,000- to 2,200-word paper in which you assess the economic, political, and legal implications of your selected environmental problem. As a part of your paper, be sure to also address the following items:
Explain the relationship between psychology and the preservation of the environment. Create a solution for your selected problem. Discuss at least one economic, political, and legal barrier that exists for your solution and how these barriers can be overcome. Include the proposed outcome and justify why you believe your solution to the identified problem will be successful, based upon scholarly research.

Include at least four references from peer-reviewed sources.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Do you agree with the assertion that war is a consequence of overpopulation? Why or why not?

How would you describe our environmental future? Explain your answer.



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