EDL 515 Week 3 Individual Assignment Political Frame

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EDL 515 Week 3 Individual Assignment Political Frame

Part 1: Political Frame Wiki

For this assignment, the class creates a complete informative wiki on the topic of political frames.

Participate in the Political Frame Wiki by clicking on the link sent to your University of Phoenix e-mail account. Set up your account and navigate to the wiki.

Post at least two entries in the Political Frame Wiki. Refer to Ch. 4 & 5 in Reframing the Path to School Leadership as needed.

Part 2: Reflection

Use the wiki as a reference to write a 350- to 700-word reflection that addresses the following:

· What is your personal level of strength within the political frame?

· What can you do to facilitate your own personal growth as a teacher leader within the political frame?

· How will you work within the political frame to be an advocate and negotiator?

· What are some of the benefits and challenges you have experienced in the political frame?

· What were the most valuable elements you learned from the Political Frame Wiki? How can you apply what you have learned?
Submit a copy of your wiki entries from Part 1 and your Part 2 reflection to your instructor.



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