Comprehensive Question
Comprehensive Question
Theme 1: Research Methodology
QUESTION_1: Sawchuk (2008) shows his support for mixed methods research to provide a fuller view of the research topic. Provide a brief overview (from the literature) of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research. Find and critique three studies (one from each approach to research) relating to your topic for dissertation study. Note the strengths and weaknesses of each approach as it applies to each specific study.
Creswell, J.W. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Sawchuk, P. (2008). Theories and methods for research on informal learning and work: Towards cross-fertilization. Studies in Continuing Education, 30(1), 1-16. doi: 10.1080/01580370701628474
General Information
1-2 pages: Introduction to the major subject matter of the comprehensive question: Brief overview (from the literature) of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research
4-5 pages: Discussion of the second level task (analytical thinking) from the question: find and critique THREE (3) studies (1 from each approach to research) relating to my topic for dissertation study
6-7 pages: Discussion of the third level task (synthesis and evaluation) from the question: Note strength and weaknesses of each approach as it applies to each specific study
1 page: Summary
Overview of Dissertation Topic (to answer the second level task)
**Is the Army creating a more educated enlisted Soldier: What impact will degree earning enlisted Soldiers have on the Army’s future? ***
The U.S. Army plays an indispensable role in the defense of the United States of America and preserving freedom around the world. Previously, the Army relied on the draft to keep its ranks filled. Effective 1973 the draft was eliminated and the Army transitioned to an “All Volunteer” force. In volunteering their service in the defense of our nation, soldiers know it may require that they make the ultimate sacrifice—lay down their lives. From this backdrop, my study will examine whether soldiers’ view their service in the U.S. Army as a calling, profession or occupation. Comprised of commissioned officers and enlisted, does the two categories of soldiers share the same motivation(s) for joining; do they hold the same or different views of their service; and what role did education play or currently plays in their decision to continue their service in the Army?